Hair Restoration

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Hair Restoration Treatments with Alma TED at Wave of Wellness

Welcome to Wave of Wellness, where we offer cutting-edge hair restoration treatments to help you regain confidence in your appearance. Our Alma TED treatments are designed to address hair thinning and hair loss, providing a non-invasive and painless solution for individuals seeking to improve the health and strength of their hair. In addition to Alma TED, we also offer microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as an alternative option for hair restoration. Read on to discover more about these transformative treatments.

What is Alma TED?

Alma TED is a revolutionary hair growth treatment that utilizes ultrasound-based technology to drive topical hair care formulas deep into the scalp, promoting increased blood flow and stimulating hair follicles to produce thicker, stronger hair. This non-invasive procedure harnesses the power of sound waves and air pressure to enhance the absorption of growth factors, ultimately leading to improved hair quality and texture without the discomfort and shedding often associated with other hair treatments

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Benefits of Alma TED

The Alma TED treatment offers a range of benefits for individuals experiencing hair shedding and hair loss, including:

Enhanced Hair Growth: By increasing blood flow and stimulating hair follicles, Alma TED promotes healthier, thicker hair growth.

Non-Invasive: Unlike traditional hair restoration procedures, Alma TED is completely non-invasive and pain-free, providing a convenient solution for improving hair health.

Improved Scalp Health: The treatment not only targets hair growth but also enhances overall scalp health, contributing to the well-being of your hair.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is the right candidate for the Alma TED hair treatment?

A: The Alma TED treatment is suitable for anyone experiencing hair loss, shedding, or those looking to maintain healthy-looking hair. It is particularly helpful for individuals with genetic/hereditary hair thinning or stress-induced hair shedding

Q: What should I expect during and after my Alma TED treatment?

A: Alma TED is a needle-free and pain-free procedure that typically lasts about 45 minutes. During the treatment, you may feel a warm, vibrating sensation, and there is no downtime afterward. It's recommended to come to the appointment with clean hair, free of any hair products on the scalp or hair itself

Q: Is the Alma TED procedure safe?

A: Yes, the Alma TED procedure is safe for everyone, offering a secure option for hair restoration

Q: When do you see results and how often do you have to do it?

A: Results are typically seen after three monthly treatments, which are recommended for optimal outcomes. The improvements include decreased shedding, increased hair growth, improved hair quality and texture, and overall better-looking hair and scalp

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